Fire Risk Assessors and Their Place Within Your Workplace

Fire risk assessors are dedicated to providing a full service on fire safety. Fire risk assessment cannot be achieved with the mere checking of the fire safety that is implemented on site, rather it is also about educating employees and managers on the dangers it can cause in our lives and how best to prevent them. It is their obligation to implement and fulfil fire safety wherever it's needed and to monitor the creation and implementation of fire safety plans in the workplace.

Work scope of fire risk assessors

Assess and audit - Assessment and audit should be carefully planned to be able to monitor and inspect detailed problems regarding the fire safety of a certain site. The audit and assessment should be retained on a hard copy that is used to ensure compliance with their requirements. Being able to provide proper assessment in a hard copy format will also let people within the workplace make comparisons and adjustments to improve best practice.
Training - Training is an important factor of a fire risk assessor's job. Simply having a good plan is not enough, especially if people are not trained in how to implement it correctly and efficiently. From the simple task of being able to use a fire extinguisher's hose, to the very detailed instructions on fire prevention, is what training is all about.
Fire extinguisher - The most common and important equipment starts with a fire extinguisher. Every establishment should be equipped with this kind of item in every designated corner of the site. It is the most basic and easiest equipment to grab and use when there's fire. It is portable and it comes with simple instructions stuck on the tank. They must be in perfect working condition at all time and require regular checks and maintenance.

Three basic requirements

Smoke detectors - Study shows that smoke detectors have helped save many lives. This detector is an efficient alarm to provide you with clear and explicit warning that a fire is impending.
Fire extinguishers - This portable apparatus that is packed with chemicals is commonly used to extinguish fires in emergency situations. There are three classifications of fire extinguishers. The dry chemical, foam and water. Fire extinguishers are pressurized to expel great force in order to put out the fire. This may not always stop the fire in its tracks, as each situation is different and fire can turn unexpectedly, however it is the best starting point to attempt to restore safety.
Emergency phone line - Emergency phone lines are important. In cases where fire extinguishers cannot do the job of putting out the fire, you should have an emergency line connected directly to your fire stations. These kinds of phone lines are recommended on industrial sites and warehouses.

Basic rules on fire safety measures:

Do not work on wet surfaces - Electricity travels fast on wet surfaces. Avoid electrocution by keeping your workplace dry. Keep hands dry when repairing, if needed, use hand gloves when working.
Cover open wires with electrical tape - Open wires are also dangerous to unsuspecting victims. Cover them carefully and then ensure they are removed and repaired. Zone the area off, so that no one comes to any harm.
Do not overload outlets - Overloading of outlets can cause short circuits. There are many portable outlets that are available that have in-built protection against a surge.
Turn off electricity when repairing a wire - For safety, turning of the electricity is the best way of avoiding electrocution when repairing damaged wires. Get the professionals to do the job for you, as that is why they have spent many years in training.


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